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Choose a right Domain name for your Business

Selecting a domain name is the first step in creating a website. The core of your online persona is your domain. What factors ought to be considered when selecting a domain? One by one, let’s talk about these.


Keep it Short

You can register a name with up to 63 characters, but keep in mind that people will find it difficult to remember long domain names, and even if they do, they may type the domain name or email address incorrectly. Try registering names that are brief. There are extremely few opportunities these days to register a.COM domain with a short English name. Therefore, you might choose a.com.pk name if your company is headquartered in Pakistan. In Pakistan, there are plenty of excellent short names available for domain registration. It is even possible to find three character.com.pk domains with PKNIC, the organization that registers domain names for Pakistan.

Choose a right TLD

You can select from a wide variety of extensions suffixes (tld – top level domain). But remember that you should choose the option that best serves the purpose of your website. Choose a.org domain if you are creating a website for hosting an NGO. Additionally, you can use info extension to create a website for informational purposes. Right now, a wide variety of extensions are accessible. It is recommended that businesses use a.com suffix. Almost all internet users type this as their first suffix. Additionally, it is the default suffix in all web browser programs, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, and Mozilla. Additionally, the oldest extension is.com.

Avoid Trademark Names

Even if a trademark name is accessible, you shouldn’t register it. And there’s a good reason why a trademarked domain name is still accessible. Anytime and with very little effort, the trademark owner can reclaim the domain name from you. Thus, if you want a domain name that is similar to multi.million.dollar.company.com, you shouldn’t get it.


iWeb offers Free Domain Registration

with purchase of any web hosting plan, you are entitled to get free registration of .com domain with us. Regardless the fact, wherever you are in Pakistan, we are just one click away and our support team will always assist you 24/7.